Thursday, April 19, 2007

Senator Reid's Double Speak

Mr. President, the White House has been telling America that Democrats are doing the wrong thing by calling for a change in course in Iraq. They say holding the Iraqi government accountable is wrong. They say finding a political solution in Iraq is wrong and they say redeploying our troops out of a civil war is wrong. They have said that even debating a strategy for changing course is dangerous and many Senate Republicans have backed that up by blocking several of our attempts to debate this issue on the Senate floor.

The American people want us to debate the war. They want us to change course. Listen to what the president's own Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates said recently: "The debate in Congress . . . has been helpful in demonstrating to the Iraqis that American patience is limited. The strong feelings expressed in the Congress about the timetable probably have had a positive impact . . . in terms of communicating to the Iraqis that this is not an open-ended commitment."

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D - Nevada) claiming the Administration is and is not attempting to hold the Iraqi government accountable.

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