Sunday, May 13, 2007

Senator Obama's Conservatism?

This morning on ABC's This Week Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinosis) described himself as "not an ideologue" and that when he was tempted by the more leftist ideology that he found himself pulling back. He described himself as a little conservative in that regard.

Not only is this poor politics in the primary season, it is a miss-characterization of Senator Obama's record.

According to Earl Hutchinson at
Obama got a perfect 100 rating from the NAACP, National Organization for Women, National Education Association, the Children’s Defense Fund, the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, the Illinois Environmental Council (during his stint in the Illinois legislature) and got a huge plus rating from the ACLU. These are America’s top liberal advocacy groups, and they are some of his most ardent cheerleaders.

The National Journal among others has rated Illinois' junior Senator as one the top ten most liberal Senators. He is rated the most liberal of any Democratic Candidate; with the possible exception of Former Senator John Edwards (D-North Carolina). That's right, he is even rated more liberal than Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D - Ohio), who this writer considers to be the most authentic (and contemptible) socialist on the American scene. Previous posts on this blog analyzing Senator Obama's positions reveal him to be a big government liberal who draws new federal programs out of his holster whenever he hears the word 'problem'.

For Senator Obama to claim that he is moderate, or that he had rejected leftist ideology, is simply a farce. Every time he speaks he makes it clearer that he is not a suitable choice for the Presidency of the United States.

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