Saturday, May 12, 2007

Edwards Tells Graduates to Wimp Out.

Former Senator John Edwards (D - North Carolina) took the occasion of graduation at New England College in Henniker, New Hampshire to begin their lives after colleges in an act of cowardice. In his prepared remarks, the former Senator uses the phrases "support our troops" and "end this war" no less than 18 times. Following the standard approach preferred by modern politicians {that is, if you say something often enough people will start believing it regardless of its merit}, Senator Edwards provides no convincing argument for why: 1) the war should end prematurely, 2) our soldiers should be brought home before the mission, the same one that over 3,000 of their brothers and sisters in arms gave their life for, is accomplished, 3) how an immediate withdrawal from Iraq would positively or negatively effect the war on terror.

I hope that those young New Hampshire students, who were 15 when they watched in horror the terrible events of September 11, explain to the Senator that winning the war on terror requires more thought and veracity than he advocates.

Winning this war can only happen if we end state sponsorship of terror. Senator Edwards prescription would empower Iran, the leading state sponsor of terror in the world today. I hope the class of 2007 has enough sense to reject this candidates' ill-thought out strategy.

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