Recently, a column was published, written by Mayor Koch and called brilliant by Neal Boortz on his nationally syndicated talk show, which began with the following line:
Sadly, the war in Iraq appears to be lost.
He continued:
the Congress, not the President, is effectively in charge, have achieved their goal: implementing withdrawal.
and later:
Our army easily won the war, but then lost the occupation.
I disagree with the Mayor's characterization of the war. In no way is it lost. The only way we can lose this war is by turning Iraq over to extremists (al-Sadr, Iran, etc.) that will once again connect Iraq with terror. That has not happened yet, and if the country will turn against retreat it may not happen at all. I agree fully with Mayor Koch's criticism of the administration, particularly their incapacity to engage the left in debate over the true course of the war.
It is regrettably time to leave. It makes no sense to lose any more American soldiers or spill any more American blood.
I disagree with the Mayor's conclusion. It is certainly is not time to turn Iraq over to extremists. We need to be sure that the Iraq government can withstanding unconstitutional coup d'etats. Basing US Forces in Iraq also makes a great deal of sense in terms of continuing pressure on Iran.
Because the Democrats are forcing an end to the struggle in Iraq, we must now prepare to fight terrorism in our homeland for the next thirty or more years. This is a war of civilizations. The Islamic terrorists worldwide want to destroy the U.S. and every other Western nation, along with moderate Muslim nations, e.g., Egypt, Jordan, etc. Our very survival as a nation is involved. Will we have the courage and will to do all that will be necessary to prevail?
The mayor is clearly correct here. The Democrats are suffering from short-sightedness produced by their desire to win the Whitehouse. It may not be a war of civilizations, but it is a war of the view of civilization. We must hold dear to those principles we hold dear: freedom, liberty, free speech, separation of church and state, etc.
There is no safety for the weak and foolish. When you seek to end a war without substantially achieving your essential goals by simply ceasing to fight, it is often a form of surrender. And that's the way the Democrat-imposed outcome in Iraq will be understood around the world, especially by our enemies.
Boortz was mistaken, the essay is not brilliant. It starts horribly, but ends brilliantly. Thanks Mayor Koch for attempting to bring your party back to patriotism.
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