Thursday, September 27, 2007

More Edwards Double Speak

During Wednesday's Democratic Debate, former Senator John Edwards (D - North Carolina) responded to a question on health care. Here is his opening comment:
I listen to this discussion and this is what I hear -- a bunch of people who have been in Washington a long time who think that everything needs to be done there. It's like the rest of America doesn't exist. They're going to have a bunch of Washington insiders who sit around tables... and figure out... what should be done about health care.

He then said something that should make the hair on your neck stand on end:
And the thing that I have committed to do is the first day that I am President, I will say to Congress, to myself, to the vice president, to the members of the cabinet, if you have not passed universal health care by July of this year.... you lose your health care because there is no excuse for politicians in Washington to have health care coverage when America has no health care coverage.

Way to take the time to listen to the American people Senator.

P.S. Unless you plan on appointing yourself dictator you cannot fulfill this commitment. I hope the American people are not fooled by your demagoguery on this issue.

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