Sunday, May 4, 2008

Operation Chaos Goes Too Far?

Operation Chaos is the name given by Conservative Radio Personality Rush Limbaugh to efforts by non-democrats to keep the Democratic Party's Presidential Nomination Race going as long as possible.

The theory is that by keeping the Democrats fighting each other, they will not be fighting McCain, they will bleed money, and ultimately they will show that neither is capable of winning. has doubts about this strategy. Generally, I believe that competition makes the competitors stronger not weaker. Note that while Operation Chaos is ongoing it is Senators Clinton and Obama competing. Senator McCain is sitting on the sidelines. (a counter-thesis might be that everyone's favorite quarterback is the second stringer...). Think of it this way, the primary beneficiary of Senator Obama's Wright problem has been Senator Clinton not Senator McCain.

On, average poll numbers show Senator McCain trending down against both Obama and Clinton. Sunday morning talk shows are being dominated by Democrats, often with no conservative present at all. Nightly news shows are pre-occupied with super-delegates and end-game strategies. It is notable, however, that the Iowa Electronic Markets, have not followed the opinion polls.

In politics, as in other venues, nature abhors a vacuum. We now have a vacuum in which the bulk of the American electorate are being carpet bombed with Democratic Party talking points almost exclusively. This is not healthy for republican democracy, for the United States, and especially not for the Senior Senator from Arizona.

Operation Chaos has gone on long enough, the big question is: Has it gone too far?

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