Hillary, as an active supporter of the war, you are one of many Americans who are guilty. And now all Americans are left responsible, regardless of whether we supported or opposed he war. When we pull out, our hands will drip with the blood of the tens of thousands of American casualties and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead. The Iraqi government didn't start this, we did.
The former Senator must be in denial. I wonder if anyone remembers waking up on Sept. 12th, 2001 and thinking "everything has changed." It seems that everyone I know did. But what did we mean? Well, one thing that changed is we went on the offensive against the terrorists. Another thing that should have changed is our tolerance for state sponsorship of terror. I remember the President firmly stating that we would not differentiate between the terrorists and those that aide and support them. Saddam was clearly a state supporter of terror. See my post here
Senator Gravel probably forgets that Saddam invaded Kuwait, and it was the United States that led a coalition of multinational forces in ousting Iraqi forces from that country. In the wake of Saddam's crushing defeat, he agreed to several U.N. Security Council regulations. He didn't keep his promises on any of them. The world was convinced, even Democratic leadership during the Clinton administration, that Saddam had WMD programs. In fact, the U.S. found remnants of previous WMD inventories and evidence of Saddam's desire to reconstitute his program at the earliest opportunity. I understand from the quoted article that if Senator Gravel had been President he would have given Saddam that opportunity.
Okay, we didn't find large stockpiles of WMD nor a nuclear weapons program. Three things need to be noted: 1) uncertainty regarding Iraq WMD has been replaced with certainty, meaning we should all sleep better at night (and thank our loyal troops for providing us with that comfort), 2) Even without the WMD, even if Saddam had come clean like he promised, we still would have had a problem with Saddam's sponsorship of terror, 3) Following Senator Gravel's advice now would likely lead to a Iranian backed takeover of Iraq by a shia fundamentalist regime, probably by Muktada Al-Sadr.
The Senator also forgets that we were actively engaged with Iraq nearly constantly for the entire period between the ODS and OIF.
Senator Gravel, I think it is time for you to enroll in 12-step program with respect to Islamic fundamentalist terror. If you can't take the war on terror seriously, Senator, you are not qualified to be President of the United States.
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