The good news is that these two Senators actually do get it. I was beginning to think that Republicans on the national stage had taken complete leave of their senses. In reality, the proposed amendment presents a dynamic argument for the U.S.'s vital interests with respect to Iraq. It clearly links the situation there to the Global War on terror, it finds that the Iraqi government is not capable of sustaining itself, that the threat of over-throw by would be tyrants and dictators is real, and that Iran would be significantly emboldened. In fact, should a shia fundamentalist tyrant operating with the support of Iran and Hezbollah achieve control in Iraq, the entire Middle East could be embroiled in warfare. Such a scenario would compel the U.S. to recommit troops to the region. This time in greater numbers and in a far more complex situation.
This understanding is vital in terms of deciding the appropriate role of U.S. forces in that region. As I have written before on this blog... the real decision facing the U.S. is about Iran. Any decision taken that doesn't have Iran in view is mistaken.
The DailyKos has called the amendment goofy. But for the wrong reason. mcjoan writing on Kos says that the amendment's call for a new war authorization is bizarre. In reality, the Senators are trying some political gamesmanship. As Senator Warner stated:
"It is my sincere hope that this amendment provides a basis for a bipartisan consensus,"
Thus, it is clear to this observer that Warner-Lugar is trying to seduce Democrats to support the bill by allowing them to (1) revisit, and perhaps change, their original war vote and (2) vote for a measure that at least calls for planning the withdrawal for later implementation. Democrats should be attracted to this because a plan would give them another hammer to use on the President. The measure would likely be vetoed in any event.
I quite agree with SoccerDad that republican leadership has done a poor job articulating our position, our strategy, and in building-support for victory. I can't help but feel that Senators Warner and Lugar would better serve the country by taking their case, outlined in the proposed amendment as summarized above and in yesterday's post, directly to the people. Isn't that what leadership is about? Maybe they could change a few minds?
As discussed here the two will be on ABC's This Week on Sunday. It should be interesting to see what softballs George throws at them. I hope they stop by FOX for an old fashioned grilling.
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