I read bin Laden's communique here.
They must have been really giggling like school girl's back in the cave when they thought this one up. What a hoot. The main idea in the message seems to be "Why don't all you godless Americans give up Democracy in favor of an autocratic theocracy based on Islam and led by me?" I had milk coming out my nose....
On a more serious note, this communique gives lie to the notion held by some, including GOP Presidential Candidate Ron Paul (R - Texas), that UBL and the boys are only angry because U.S. troops are in the Arab lands. The truth is, which is clearly evident from this message, that UBL is trying to rally the Arab people together by making the U.S.A. their common enemy. His only hope of establishing his precious caliphate is to convince the masses they have a common external enemy. This is the tried and true strategy of the megalomaniac -- and UBL is certainly one of those.
Fortunately, there are many more Arabs who realize that 1) UBL and his fanatic associates are the leading cause of Arab deaths, and 2) the U.S. is the only force protecting them from this murderous rampage.
Godspeed to U.S. Forces in all parts of the world.
Senator Kerry's Act is Defective
13 years ago
kinda like the bush "radical islam - they hate us for our freedom kool-aid".
If they indeed hate us for our freedom, they should be thanking bush for his UN-patriot-IC act, as well as executive orders which have resulted in the loss of much of our freedom.
remember...bush said it:
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
So Anonymous... Are you Pro-bin Laden? What else could lead you to make such a comment? Did you actually read the bin Laden message?
Instead of discussing the issue, which is what bin Laden said, you dissemble with some anti-Bush rant. I'd ask you to focus on the issue at hand...
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